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Starting nursery...

Starting nursery...

It all starts with an enquiry...
We have our own enquiry section on this website and you can request a call back, to which one of the team will email or give you a call to further discuss your interest as soon as possible. From there we can book you in for a tour of the setting and allows us time to tell you more about us  as a nursery and of course allows you to ask as many questions as you want- the more the merrier. 

Securing a place & When to do this...
Once you have decided that you would like a place here with us at Baddesley Ensor, let us know and we will send over a 'Secure my place' form and the bank details to send your £50 non re-fundable registration fee. Once both are received, we can then input your child's data following all data protection guidelines and get the ball rolling for your child's learning journey. Some parents secure their child's place while they are pregnant, as soon as they are born or very close to the time of starting nursery but all we will advise you of is that places do fill fast so it is best to get your enquires in sooner rather than later to avoid disappointment.

Settles Sessions
We would always recommend some settle sessions for you child as this allows them to get used to the new environment, people, children and routine. Usually we recommend up to 3 settling sessions for each child, 2-3 weeks before the start date to allow time for them to settle, however, if your child needs more this is fine. The first settle is about 1 hour long and this is done with the parents and the child with the room leader (who will be the initial key person) to gather important information on your child and their routine. The 2nd and 3rd settles are more for your child to get used to the nursery environment and those caring for them once they start nursery, i know this seems daunting but the process is their to support - 2nd settle is around 2 hours and 3rd 3 hours - arranged at times to suit nursery life.
What should i pack each day?
This is what we recommend you pack in their bag: 

- Coat (weather appropriate) 

- Lots of spare clothes (appropriate for the weather)

-Nappies, Wipes and Cream (You can store these at nursery or bring them in daily)

- Comforters 


- Hat & Gloves

- Sunhat & Sun Cream 

-  Spare pants

-  Spare socks!

- Empty sterilised bottles and/or formula (for those needing to have bottles as part of routine)

The tears
This is completely normal. Most children often get upset when leaving their primary carers but we promise they do not cry the whole time they are settling (and if they were, we'd always give you a call to end the settle early- if you'd wish). We give lots of cuddles and help distract the child and let them know they are safe.

Children will do things in their own time, and that is the same with settling in. All children are individual and that is what makes them unique, some take a while to settle, some settle straight away, but rest assured, there is nothing we have not seen or not dealt with before. We as the Early Years Professionals are here to support your children and YOU as parents, in those settling stages which can be unsettling for all. Feel free to call as many times you like, but you have the fantastic reassurance of the Banana Moon Parent App where you can see each days daily diary during the day and lots of lovely photos and activities, where hopefully your child has settled and their are some smiles/action shots!
If you have any questions relating to starting nursery, please do let us know or send an enquiry through the enquiries section on our website and we will get back to you.



@BananaMoon - 3 years ago


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Get in touch today

We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm

Baddesley Ensor

Banana Moon Day Nursery, Little Brum, Baddesley Ensor

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